Jones General Market - Commercial Design

This space told us what it needed to be. I like that part of the design. It was an empty shell with a wall of old brick that had stood since the early 1900s, original floors, and walls of glass windows. It needed to feel like it had been here since the Mill opened 100 years ago.

We focused our efforts on a turn-of-the-century aesthetic, that would feel modern in ways but also timeless and like it may have been Mr Jones’ office turned General store.

Michaela and I collected item after item of, brass, wooden drawers, old golf trophies, and even a set of vintage glasses that could've been Mr Jones’ favorite tea glasses. This design was essential in anchoring this mill property and providing a feeling of heart to this beautiful renovation project. Here are some before and after pics of this design.


A little before

Then here is the after!


Industrial Design Mock-up & Art Install


Design a beautiful wreath at home